Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
The Bryn Mawr School is deeply committed to growing as a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning community. We are dedicated to providing an education that is rooted in the ideals of equity and justice and that reflects the diverse identities, experiences, and voices of our constituents. By honoring and nurturing the unique differences within our school community, we teach our students to better understand and contribute to the wider world. To prepare our students and ourselves to lead considered and consequential lives, we believe it is essential that we develop the ability to identify, question, and challenge bias and acts of discrimination. As we strive to build a community that celebrates and values each individual, Bryn Mawr will engage in an ongoing review of our policies and practices that address bias and discrimination.
All School Equity & Inclusion Council
Bryn Mawr's Equity and Inclusion Council is comprised of the Equity & Inclusion liaisons, staff, teachers, board members, alumnae, caregivers/parents and student leaders of CAFE. Together, they help create, implement and facilitate diversity, equity and inclusion programming throughout the school.