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Parents' Association


The Annual Bazaar is back!
Bazaar Wristbands

Bazaar Event Information

It’s time for the annual BMS Bazaar! This year’s Bazaar will be held on Friday, May 2, 2025, from 3:00 p.m. - 6 p.m., rain or shine (help us with a little sunshine dance)! We hope you plan to attend this fun-filled event with your family. We are excited to test out this NEW TIME! There will be a large variety of rides, games, and activities for everyone to enjoy. Back by popular demand, we will have food trucks and face painting. Be sure to check it all out and join our community of families for this Bryn Mawr tradition. Remember, while some vendors may accept credit cards and online payment options, please plan to bring CASH.

Gently used uniforms will be collected after spring break.  Drop off any of your uniform items in the Lower School and Northern Parkway carpool circles. We will have bins set up for your convenience from April 1 through April 21. You may also drop off at any time at the Howell reception desk. 
Volunteers Needed
Have an hour to spare? Support the 2025 Bazaar by volunteering at one of our many stations.  We depend on parent support to run the games, tickets stands, and more.  Sign up here. Your help is very much appreciated to make the day run smoothly; we can't do it without you!

Wristband Sales
Wristbands will be available for advanced sale for $15 March 25. Wristbands provide unlimited access to all rides on the field and karaoke. If your child plans to  do more than four things, having a wristband is well worth it! Buy online here and pick it up at the Bryn Mawrket or call the Bryn Market (x1234) to arrange to pick up at your division reception area. Wristbands can also be billed to student accounts or paid via credit card in person at the Bryn Mawrket.  Wristbands at the event are $20, so be sure to get yours in advance and save!

Recycled Uniform Sale
Uniforms at severely discounted prices! Doors open at 3:00 p.m. in the Edith Hamilton Library (Howell Building). The sale will end at 6 p.m. We are also accepting your old uniforms! Please drop off from April 1 to April 21 at the Howell reception desk, Northern Parkway Circle and Lower School carpool line.  


Contact Melissa Segall at segallm@brynmawrschool.org with any questions regarding the event, volunteering or donations and drop offs. Cash is encouraged to make transactions move faster, but there will be credit options available. 

The Bazaar is primarily a CASH ONLY event.

Food Trucks

This year, we welcome the following food vendors:

Dizzy Cow Pizzeria


Lyfe Acai

Lyfe Acai

Kona Ice

Kona Ice
Top Nach

Our Dining Center will also be open for indoor bites!

South Carolina BBQ & Catering
Top Nach
Top Nach


Are you crafty or creative? We are always looking for parents and community members to join us on Vendor Row. Showcase your goods and talents at our event. For a small, flat contribution to our annual fund, we provide the canopy, tables, and chairs you bring your items. You keep all your profit. For more information on how to arrange a vendor table, contact segallm@brynmawrschool.org.


Back by popular demand are the raffle-grade baskets. Spearheaded by Class Parents, grades are responsible for assembling one complete basket based on their assigned theme. Themes include: baking, beach, picnic, date night, sports and more! 
The prizes and creativity are amazing, and you won't want to miss this popular attraction in front of the Howell Building—$5 per ticket or 5 for $20. You do not need to be present to win. Winners will be drawn randomly and contacted after the event. All proceeds benefit the Fund for Bryn Mawr. 

50/50 Raffle
Try your luck at the 50/50 Pot of Gold Bazaar raffle. Tickets may be purchased via mail, online or at the event. Tickets are $25 each or five for $100. The winner takes half the jackpot; the other half directly supports the Fund for Bryn Mawr. Purchase raffle tickets here. Thanks for your support!
    • Bazaar Raffle gift bags
    • Bazzar Raffle gift bags 2

Parking Info

This will be an extremely crowded day on campus!! 
  • Families, alumnae and guests must park in the surrounding neighborhood, as there will be no employee or visitor parking in campus lots or spaces
  • Carpooling and ridesharing are encouraged! 
  • Please be respectful of our neighbors’ driveways and street signage. 
  • Guests are encouraged to park in St. Mary's Seminary, 5400 Roland Avenue. 
  • We will have minibus shuttles between St. Mary's Seminary and Bryn Mawr from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m.