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Internships and Career Exploration

Through internship and career exploration opportunities, Bryn Mawr students engage in meaningful endeavors with problem solving, critical thinking and leadership opportunities that not only cultivate their own interests, but also deepen connections, partnerships and engagement within our local community.
Career exploration opportunities are open to all Upper School students. Please fill out this form if you are interested in learning more about available options.

Employers interested in hosting a Bryn Mawr student for an opportunity should fill out this form. Thank you!

Summer STEM Fellowship Program

Bryn Mawr’s Summer STEM Fellowship program is open to rising seniors interested in real-world, hands-on, experiential research opportunities with some of Baltimore’s leading STEM institutions. The selected fellows meet throughout the year as a cohort to learn from each other and present a symposium-style poster to share with the community following their summer experience.

Summer 2025 STEM Fellowship Opportunities
Fields of Study

List of 6 items.

  • Biomedical Research

    1. Iron Deficiency Anemia, Translation Research, Fundamental Research, Metal Ions, Zinc Finger Proteins, Nanoparticles, Pharmaceutical Drug Characterization

    2. Cancer Therapeutics, Translational Research, Molecular Engineering, Intermolecular Interactions, Heterogeneous Lipid Bilayers, Lipid-based Nanoparticles 

    3. Drug Development, Protein Engineering
  • Cosmology and Astronomy

    1. Gravitation, Cosmology, Astronomy, High-energy Physics, Telescope Observations, Jupiter’s moons, Speed of Light
  • Genomics, Genetics, and Regeneration

    1. Regeneration, Hearing, Genomics, Genetics, Zebrafish, Mouse
  • Materials Science

    1. Semiconductor Manufacturing, Microchips, Materials Synthesis, Photolithography
  • Neurobiology

    1. Biomedical Research, Preclinical Trials, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases

    2.  Traumatic Brain Injury, Neurodegenerative Disease, Neurobiology, Neurodegeneration, Autophagy, Mouse, Cell Culture
  • Virology

    1. Coronavirus, MERS, SARS, Influenza, Pathogenesis, Anti-viral, Therapeutics, Diabetes, DPP4, Lung, COVID19
Juniors interested in the Summer STEM Fellowship Program should contact Lydia Li, Director of Internships.