Before-School Supervision
Students may arrive on campus at 7 a.m. or later. Students who arrive on campus between 7:00 and 7:45 a.m. should go to the Dining Center and will be supervised by a faculty member. There is no cost for this program. Breakfast (both free and for cost options) will be available. Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria at 7:45 a.m., when middle school buildings are open to students.
Afternoon Supervision and Activities
An Afternoon Supervision Program is offered in the Higinbothom Hall each day of the week, unless otherwise noted on our Middle School Calendar. Supervision ends at 5:30 p.m. Families may pay one flat fee for access to care daily for $1,200/school year or drop in without notice and be charged $15 per time.
Please read the procedures carefully and discuss them with your student. We will strictly enforce these rules because it is crucial for us to know each student’s whereabouts at all times and to ensure the wellbeing of all our students. When a student fails to comply with a rule, they will have to serve detention.
Procedures and Regulations for Middle School Afternoon Supervision
All students are required to sign in before 3:45 p.m. The school cannot be held responsible for a student on campus who neglects to sign in.
The person driving your student home must come into the building to sign them out. Parents should not make arrangements to pick up their student at any location other than Higinbothom Hall after 4:00 p.m. Parents should park on Melrose Avenue and walk in to sign out their student. Please do not ask your student to sign themself out.
Students will be encouraged to do quiet work while inside the supervision classrooms. Should they want to socialize, eat, or play, students will be asked to go to our Carey Quad.
Only 7th and 8th grade students, with written permission, may sign out to attend athletic games on campus. (This permission is granted or denied within our summer mailing forms.) Please be aware that students will not be supervised at those events but must continue to follow all Afternoon Supervision rules and be signed out from Higinbothom Hall per usual.
Students with dance, chorus, or music lessons after school may also be given permission by a parent within these summer mailing forms to sign themselves out of Afternoon Supervision to walk unsupervised to their class or lesson.
A late fee will be charged after 5:30pm: $15.00 per 5 minutes. Please contact the proctor in the event that you are running late, so s/he can know when to expect you. The direct contact number for Afternoon Supervision is 410-323-1118 x1688. Please keep this phone number in an accessible place. Also, be sure your student knows how to reach you every afternoon.