Community Book Discussion on April 24: Everything I Never Told You
Bryn Mawr parents, guardians, alumnae, employees, and students in grades 10-12 are invited to join a community book discussion on the literary thriller Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng on Thursday, April 24, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Edith Hamilton Library.
Everything I Never Told You is a favorite of Bryn Mawr sophomores, who are assigned this book the summer before their tenth grade year. Be among the first to RSVP to receive a FREE copy while supplies last. Or shop local, hit up Amazon, or borrow from the Pratt Library.
From The New York Times review: "A missing girl, a lake, a local bad boy who was one of the last to see her and won’t say what he knows. The year is 1977, the setting, a quiet all-American town in Ohio, where everyone knows one another and nothing like this has ever happened before... The missing girl is Lydia Lee, apple of her father’s eye, her mother’s favorite daughter. A blue-eyed Amerasian Susan Dey, the most white-looking of her siblings in her mixed-race Chinese and white family, she is also so serious, so driven, so good and responsible, she seems the least likely to go missing... What emerges is a deep, heartfelt portrait of a family struggling with its place in history, and a young woman hoping to be the fulfillment of that struggle. This is, in the end, a novel about the burden of being the first of your kind — a burden you do not always survive."