Happy New Year!
Although I personally consider the start of a new year to be September, not January (decades of school life will do that), I appreciate the fresh start that each January offers. This year is especially exciting for us as we prepare to share the results of our extended strategic planning process and begin to put our plans into action. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this process, from all of the parents and alumnae who responded our surveys to the many trustees, faculty and alumnae who joined our roundtable discussions to share their ideas for Bryn Mawr. Our vision for Bryn Mawr stems from what you have told us. I am so gratified to know that so many members of our community are invested in this school and in helping us rise to the challenge of providing an unparalleled education for our girls.
With this in mind, I am very excited to let you know that we will be introducing our new strategic plan during the annual State of the School address, which will take place this year on Wednesday, February 10 at 8:30 a.m. in Centennial Hall. If you are interested in hearing about our future but unable to attend the event, we will be live streaming it on our YouTube channel (
www.youtube.com/thebrynmawrschool). I hope that you will be able to join us either virtually or in person. If you are on campus that day, please join me afterward for a coffee reception at the new Headmistress’ residence.
I wish you and your family and wonderful start to the year and a joyous 2016!