My most memorable experience was meeting all of the local people, because they were so kind and respectful to us, even when they didn't know us well. I would recommend this program to other students because it is a great way to learn about Cuban culture, something that we don't learn a lot about in school, in the most interactive way possible. Going to Cuba was definitely an experience I will never forget.
- Georgia Dettman ’18, Cuba
The most striking part of my trip was experiencing how different the Czech Republic was. They speak a different language, they use public transportation 90% of the time, and the culture is very different. It was like I was in a whole new world. I also went on a 100-mile hike, which was very intense, but also enabled me to see all of the Czech Republic, not just what tourists see. Hosting an exchange student for several weeks was really new to me, but I liked it. Sometimes it was hard, but it was all worth it. Now I have a friend from all the way across the world that I can talk to!
- Mayalen Brock ’18, Czech Republic
This trip was an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. The country itself is beautiful in so many ways – it’s a hidden paradise. The people are kind-hearted and welcoming, there is music and culture everywhere you go, and the cars are fabulous. Through this trip I got to see the true Cuba, not just the one tainted by American stereotypes. I wish everyone was able to visit.
- Gray Purcell ’20, Cuba